Creativity through tabula rasa

The more deeply we observantly look into the wall, the more deeply we go through the doorway
– Jeffrey Kosky, ‘Arts of Wonder’

Kosmorganians believe that through their built environment visitors can achieve a momentary tabula rasa mental state or ‘clean slate’ mind that is unbiased, non-dualistic, and un-tainted by exterior social forces. In this state of awareness, mental constructs dissolve and one has a more open mind. This is no easy feat since mental constructs are the very ideas, beliefs, judgments, and opinions, we hold as true or facts, in order to structure our lives and identity. Yet, with a tabula rasa mind, there is more room for understanding, compassion, and creativity. Neuroscientist, Sam Harris connects happiness to such a higher consciousness-based identity that is rooted in a sensorial experience. He remarks, from the point of view of consciousness, we are merely aware of sights, sounds, sensations, moods, and thoughts. If we identify with consciousness itself, which is sensorial then we may alleviate suffering.[1]

When we experience life, we first sense phenomena.  Then, with our executive part of our brains[2] we start categorizing and judging so we can respond, make decisions, change our mind and adapt to new situations. Obviously analyzing is useful, and yet it can block us from experiencing our lives with limitless possibilities. We cling to these mental frameworks since they give us power by allowing us to explain and influence our world.[3] However, these frameworks may engrave a filter in our world vision that may not be applicable nor relevant to life’s fickleness. This filter is analogous to the greasy buildup on our eyeglasses. Depending upon our vision, we need our glasses to see near or far, but nobody needs nor wants the greasy fingerprints on the lens. To see clearly and vividly, our eyeglasses need to be constantly cleaned with soap and water and wiped down. The equivalent to eyeglass cleaning on the mind is meditation training. Once our mind is clear of grime, it is in a state of shoshin, or beginner’s mind.[4] Zen Buddhist philosopher, Shunryu Suzuki described  beginner’s mind as being ‘empty, free of the habits of experts, ready to accept, to doubt, and be open to all possibilities.’ [5] Without the attachment to mental constructs, one can see, feel, hear, smell, and taste the world as it is, not as labels to categorize, judge, and attach meaning. To train the mind the meditation practitioner gets into different bodily positions or asanas in Hindi. The most common one is sitting meditation. However, one can also practice walking meditation. [ Explore walking meditation rituals ] In Kosmorganica a tabula rasa or beginner’s mind can also be achieved through secular frequency bathing whereby one is immersed in sound, light, color, and pattern combinations that align with one’s environment and the cosmos. Explore how frequencies ground and align visitors to lead more fulfilling and peaceful lives with Kosmorganica frequencies bathing destinations.

[1] Harris, S. (2005). The end of faith: Religion, terror, and the future of reason. London: Free Press.206.

[2]  The executive functions of the brain are considered ‘high-level’ cognitive processes aid in behavior and processing new or unfamiliar situations, such as planning, improvising, judging, re-evaluating. This is in contrast to lower-level cognitive processes deemed routine or automatic which are also part of the executive brain, but when using the term ‘executive function’ it usually refers to the controlled or ‘higher-level’ processing. The executive functions are located in the frontal lobe. Gilbert, S. J., & Burgess, P. W. (2008). Executive function. Current Biology, 18(3), R110-R114. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2007.12.014

[3] Foucault, M. (1991). Discipline and Punish: the birth of a prison. London, Penguin. page

[4] Suzuki, S. (2011). Zen mind, beginner’s mind: Informal talks on Zen meditation and practice. Boulder: Shambhala.xiv.

[5] Ibid.